For me, 2014 was a busy and exciting doll year in which I accomplished a lot. Especially in the field of faceups did I truly excel and start to find my own unique style.

Now that 2014 is wrapped up I feel ready and prepared for what is to come in 2015, and I've laid out a game-plan so I don't get lost and forget what I actually wanted to achieve.
BJD Game-Plan for 2015:
1) Continue to improve my faceup skills in every way. Become more proficient with the airbrush, draw even finer lines, take the doll beyond the limitations of the sculpt. And take better pictures of the heads in the process.
2) Take photos in more extravagant locations, try to go outside more often even with my SD-sized dolls (now that's going to be a tough one!). Get a doll stand and take some awesome outdoor pictures.
3) Sew. I've already acquired a basic skill set, now I just have to focus it on doll clothing. Producing patterns, creating outfits. All my dolls should have a decent wardrobe!
4) Develop my characters' storyline further, take it out of the 'planning' phase and into the 'writing' phase.
5) Two new dolls this year. Which ones is to be determined.
Finally, my New Year's resolution: keep calm. Stay cool, take it easy.
I spent so much mental effort in 2014 with just planning. Pure planning, theoretical, hypothetical. It was all very draining and psychologically exhausting. I don't want to do that in 2015. I want to spare myself the hours and rather use them elsewhere more wisely. Plus, if you plan too much there is no more room for spontaneous decisions, which could just turn out to be the best you've ever made.
So no more sitting in front of the computer and racking my brains with what I could do. Rather let the plan of action come to me.
I hope you all had a great fresh start
and may all your new ideas spring into fruition this coming year.