Monday, 11 December 2017

Important Announcement!

This holiday season I have decided to close up shop for a duration of a few months. Main reason being that I am currently in the process of writing my final thesis for university, anyone who has done this in the past can confirm it is a very time-consuming process... and seeing as faceups take a lot of time too I have to prioritise.
These past few commissions that I have done definitely took a lot more time than I would have liked. I enjoy getting heads in and immediately tackling the vision their owner wants for them, nothing pleases me more than powering through a commission and returning the head to the owner within two weeks. But I cannot guarantee that with my workload at the moment, so I'm taking this break to also insure I can hold up the same time efficient working strategy.

I hope to be able to re-open mid February 2018, cannot make any guarantees though. Watch this space and follow me on instagram for updates.

Perhaps during this time I will be able to finally tackle some of my own dolls whom I have not yet painted. My last doll that I got August 2016 still has no faceup....yikes!

To everyone who has supported my art and been so great with waiting, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Being able to do faceups for other people brings me so much joy and I hope to never have to stop. (emotional blabla, I know, but hey! It's Christmas after all)

With that said, to everyone: Have a wonderfully merry Christmas and a happy start into the new year!

Season's greetings to all!
~Pocket xXx