Sunday, 14 December 2014

Monster High Venus Mcflytrap Repaint

Me and Monster High dolls…'s complicated.

When I first started out in the BJD hobby I got myself a Monster High to practise painting on dolls. However, nothing could have prepared me for the frustration that ensued. Believe it or not, vinyl is tough stuff to work on, especially for beginners. It was a battle from beginning to end, the poor doll looked nothing like I had imagined it would. It wasn't the fault of the doll, but somehow my relationship with Monster Highs turned sour after that experience.

I never thought I'd bring up the courage and buy another one but, alas, fate proved me wrong.
Falling in love with the Venus doll, I took the plunge and bought her with the determination to make her into something better that before.

Two attempts later, I can finally say I am happy with the result. I have at last made peace with vinyl, although I can definitely say for sure that it is my least favourite medium to work on. Resin is easy-going compared to it.