Sunday, 14 December 2014

The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 14th

What better way to start a blog than with a fresh idea?

I've had this little series in mind. I wanted to take photos of each of my dolls and write down their Christmas hopes and wishes. Every doll would get two to three pictures and come Christmas day - voila! A whole lineup of pretty pictures and special words fitted to the specific characters' personalities.

Without further ado, here's "Day 1" of the Twelve Days Of Christmas series. Unfortunately I didn't have the time or means to start the series yesterday, so this a-doll-photo-a-day chain will end on December 26th instead of the 25th as it was originally planned. But ah well, let's roll with it!

Dec. 14. ~ Lune

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A night under the light of the moon.