Thursday, 25 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 25th
That concludes this Christmas series, it was super fun to do and a very good challenge to see if I could upload a picture a day for twelve days straight. I definitely think I could pull off this as like a "Doll-A-Day-A-Month" thing, but that's a completely different level and not on the agenda any time soon.
This set-up took me (and my boyfriend) about an hour and-a-half to complete, with getting all the props in order and having the dolls sit as if they could have just naturally gathered right there. It was challenging to say the least but tons of fun all in all. I included only the best pictures that really show off the best angles here, the conditions to shoot were tough overall so many pictures hit the trash in the process.
I do hope you enjoyed this series, I know I did.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A big family to share the love.
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 24th
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
All the little things to look forward to.
Second-last batch for this Christmas series! These are the close-up shots of the Xmas set-up I created with my dolls. On these pictures you see all the details you otherwise might have missed when looking at the whole thing. So look forward to tomorrow when you'll be able to see the bigger picture, and Merry Christmas to you all!
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 23rd
We're getting so close I can almost smell it!
Somehow I completely miscalculated when this series would end. Originally I thought it would end by the 26th, but now turns out we'll have it over on Christmas Day after all. Alrighty then.
Heather will always be special to me, there's something about her eyes and that little mouth!
Sorry for the tiny picture here but the original is so huge it just wouldn't fit! I recommend to go check it out in full glory on my flickr. Same goes for some of my other pictures here that show up a little too small for comfort.
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
All the wonders of his love.
- Heather
Somehow I completely miscalculated when this series would end. Originally I thought it would end by the 26th, but now turns out we'll have it over on Christmas Day after all. Alrighty then.
Heather will always be special to me, there's something about her eyes and that little mouth!
Sorry for the tiny picture here but the original is so huge it just wouldn't fit! I recommend to go check it out in full glory on my flickr. Same goes for some of my other pictures here that show up a little too small for comfort.
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
All the wonders of his love.
- Heather
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 22nd
Yup, missed another day. Pure Christmas madness has unravelled and I'm loving it!
But here is a special one, I'm so happy the picture turned out this good because the conditions to shoot outside in the past weeks have been horrid. Windy, windy, windy!
Andromeda is wearing her new dress I bought for her on etsy, it was a great price for this amount of work. However the velvet doesn't allow photographs under unnatural lighting. It would look absolutely ridiculous! Oh well, we managed, and below is a bonus shot where you can see a little more of the dress.
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A night divine.
- Andromeda
Sunday, 21 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 21st
Would you believe I actually lost a photo?
*sigh* never delete originals too quickly, even off of the camera! I was astounded any such thing could happen really, but it did.
Ah well, this one's not so bad. But the shot I originally had planned for today looked even better in every way. You learn from mistakes.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
The dawning of a new world.
- FĂ©onie
*sigh* never delete originals too quickly, even off of the camera! I was astounded any such thing could happen really, but it did.
Ah well, this one's not so bad. But the shot I originally had planned for today looked even better in every way. You learn from mistakes.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
The dawning of a new world.
- FĂ©onie
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 20th
My first tiny bjd arrived yesterday, DollZone Eudora! I bought her from my local dealer and we did a short layaway of three months, an overall perfect decision as I was very cooped up lately and wouldn't have been able to customise her sooner.
She really is quite special, she was from DZ's last christmas event, I don't know how much you had to spend to get her but I can be sure it was a lot! I definitely underestimated her in terms of poseability and size! Somehow I thought she would be smaller?
I can say she poses lovely, she is single jointed so her legs are limited in some angles but I believe wiring would sort that out.
I can't say when I'll be able to paint her. I bought her because, for a while, I'd been itching for a project doll that stands apart from my original characters. She will be a work in progress, I have to buy new colours if I'm going to go for the look I have in mind. Ah, and those eyes! They're so tiny I haven't a clue what size they are. Maybe 8mm? Got to get her some different ones though, these are a little too high-domed and plain for me.
No more slacking off, I promise. I just really wanted her to be a part of this series but couldn't take pictures yesterday.
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A little sweetheart to brighten my life.
- DollZone Eudora (nameless)
Friday, 19 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 19th
First shoot with Cedrenn complete! Yeah! It makes me so happy to see him all fully clothed and finished already just merely a month after is arrival.
It makes me proud to be able to incorporate him in this series, I'm excited to see what else I will be doing with him.
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A bright sun to shine on my path ahead.
- Cedrenn
Thursday, 18 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 18th
A flashback for today, an old picture of Lune and Andromeda. The first ever picture I took of them together. Lune wasn't near complete, summer was around the corner and Andromeda had just gotten a new faceup. Well, lots of things have happened since then.
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A sister to be my friend.
- Andromeda & Lune
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 17th (Goodbye Robert)
Today I sent Robert off to a new home. I had been debating with myself if I should sell him for a long, long time now. He was the first BJD I ever came into contact with, the first real resin dolly I held. He is the remnant of what I once liked aesthetically in BJDs. This absolute realism, perfect proportions.
But alas, no more.
The same fate my Iplehouse Carina met.
Plus, adding to the fact that I simply can't cope with his unwieldly posing and massive weight, his character just quite blatantly faded away.
So here he is for the last time, as part of the twelve days of christmas.
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A safe journey to a new home. - Robert

Below, bonus shots of his sales page that I thought turned out rather nice.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 16th
Yes! On time today, I hope I will be able to keep up with this series from now on.
This is the last shots of Lune's set, there is another lovely close-up of the mirror I shot but that one just didn't fit in with these so it'll get it's own special spot somewhere else.
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
The reflection of my inner world.
- Lune
This is the last shots of Lune's set, there is another lovely close-up of the mirror I shot but that one just didn't fit in with these so it'll get it's own special spot somewhere else.
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
The reflection of my inner world.
- Lune
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 15th
A little late, but the actual 15th was just too busy for uploading dolly pictures.
So here it is, Lune's pictures are all from the same shoot. The theme I was going for was reflection (as in, thoughts) and the mirror is a symbol for that.
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A mirror to read my mind.
- Lune
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Monster High Venus Mcflytrap Repaint
Me and Monster High dolls…'s complicated.
When I first started out in the BJD hobby I got myself a Monster High to practise painting on dolls. However, nothing could have prepared me for the frustration that ensued. Believe it or not, vinyl is tough stuff to work on, especially for beginners. It was a battle from beginning to end, the poor doll looked nothing like I had imagined it would. It wasn't the fault of the doll, but somehow my relationship with Monster Highs turned sour after that experience.
I never thought I'd bring up the courage and buy another one but, alas, fate proved me wrong.
Falling in love with the Venus doll, I took the plunge and bought her with the determination to make her into something better that before.
Two attempts later, I can finally say I am happy with the result. I have at last made peace with vinyl, although I can definitely say for sure that it is my least favourite medium to work on. Resin is easy-going compared to it.
The Twelve Days Of Christmas - Dec. 14th
What better way to start a blog than with a fresh idea?
I've had this little series in mind. I wanted to take photos of each of my dolls and write down their Christmas hopes and wishes. Every doll would get two to three pictures and come Christmas day - voila! A whole lineup of pretty pictures and special words fitted to the specific characters' personalities.
Without further ado, here's "Day 1" of the Twelve Days Of Christmas series. Unfortunately I didn't have the time or means to start the series yesterday, so this a-doll-photo-a-day chain will end on December 26th instead of the 25th as it was originally planned. But ah well, let's roll with it!
Dec. 14. ~ Lune
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
A night under the light of the moon.
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